
Shipping Time

All orders are processed within 1-3 business days, followed by the shipping times depending on your location below:

United States: 7-15 Business Days

Europe, UK: 8-16 Business Days

Rest of the World: 8-21 Business Days

External factors can influence delivery times which are outside of our control, including:

  • Adverse weather conditions.
  • National holidays.
  • Mistakes by the courier service.

Although we have limited control over these factors, we remain dedicated to providing you with up-to-date information using the resources available to us.

Taxes and Duties

When you make a purchase, please note that it does not include any customs taxes or duties that your country may impose on imported goods. It is your duty to handle these additional charges that may apply. For more details on these fees please kindly contact your local customs office.

Important: Harper Dale would like to remind you that delays in customs clearance in your country are beyond our control. The timing of the release of your items is at the discretion of the customs officials, and we unfortunately cannot influence this process.

Order Cancellation

If you wish to cancel an order after making a payment, we kindly ask you to contact us, and we will make every effort to assist you. However, we must inform you that we cannot guarantee cancellation once an order has been promptly forwarded to the warehouse. If processing or shipping has already occurred, we regretfully will be unable to cancel the order, and you will need to initiate a product return. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.